Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lord, I give myself to you. My God, I trust you.

What i would not give for that statement to proclaim absolute truth in my life. If the fact that I daily give myself to God and more than that...if I completely trusted Him. My God, why did Pam have to hear her daughter die? My God, why don't I have a perfect plan for next year? My God, why do I have to be by myself right now. My God, I trust You. You are always right...my ways are ridiculous. Why do I always think I could do it so much better than You? Some days are confusing and hard, while loads are beautiful and fun but none the less at the end of the day all is lost if I can't trust. David is so smart, obviously not perfect but blatantly smart. He uttered some of the most beautiful words we will ever be able to say and hopefully at some point, to mean. "Lord, I give myself to You! My God, I trust You." Ps 25:1 amen...

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Wow, I want to one day fully be able to say that and mean it with all my being. I want to be able to say that and not try to let it be about me and what I want. But to just give it all to God and fully trust Him. I feel like I want to mean it with all my heart, but it's so hard.
Thankfully you are smart enough to love God. You are smart enough to trust His Word and find comfort there. So no matter what journey you are about to embark on, thankfully, you can rest asure that this is His plan...and yes, you will give yourself to Him and trust Him. I know you! You are so strong.
He knows that too, but He also knows that you like security. He gives you that. He will continue to give you that in many different forms as long as you continue to follow him.
Tyss, I love you so much. I want to love God like you love Him. You definitely inspire me!