Monday, February 16, 2009

i love my dad.

Is it weird that I love my dad so much that I cry? haha, my dad says some of the most awkward/embarrassing things and sometimes he can be so weird but I love him with my entire soul. When I was little and we would watch something where the girl gets married and her dad has to give her away...I remember going to my room and crying myself to sleep because I would never do that to my dad. I swore that if it hurt his feelings for me to get married then it was something that I would never do. When I was little I can remember him chasing me being Pepe Le Peu and tickling me to get me ready for sleep. Over the years we have spent so much time together and neither one of us had to chat incessently through it all...just watch tv and love each other. So many movies I would never want to watch with anyone else...Prancer, It's a Wonderful Life, Father of the Bride. He watched so many lame girl shows with me...from gilmore girls to dawsons creek and we'd talk about life and love through it all. Endless hours of watching softball and baseball. Endless stories have been heard by this man...I don't even mind if he tunes me out at all and I'm not sure why because with anyone else that would drive me nuts. And I love my mom and my sister desperately but for some reason when I need a good cry he's the one I want there. I remember when it was time for me to graduate from high school and I came home from a game and I just looked at him and started crying...when my heart was hurting this past summer I called my dad and sobbed. He loves the Lord and my mom and my sister and me. He is no where near perfect, but don't bother telling my heart doesn't care. In my eyes he will always be the best man in the world and I will always cry at a father/daughter story and he will always be the first man I ever loved.

Monday, February 9, 2009


This week/weekend has been absolutely gorgeous!!!! Kinda makes me wanna never leave my room, but listen to music and day dream all day long. It's so happy. And I get to go through one of those happy phases where I don't need people around me at all times...and I love when my heart lets me do that. One another note, I have no clue of what I should do next year. Sigh, what on earth should I do with the next phase of my life. Who knows but I'm kind of excited...I know the Lord wants me to step away from the BCM and all that I have known that comes with that. The BCM has been my comfort and shelter during the biggest spiritual growth in my entire life and it's time for me to grow some more...and I think I've grown all I can here. God has more than shown me that He will provide family for me whereever it is that I end up. I feel like I am always hearing someone talk about how the body of Christ has let them down...its easy to put them on a pedastool and feel disappointed when they don't quite measure up...but its the arms of Christ that reached out to me through what are now precious friends. I trust the body of Christ...I choose to believe that there are people all over the world eager to meet new people and love them as He loved and continues to love us. Sigh...I am excited...and confused...not to mention a little nervous. But nonetheless I am in love with February 9, 2009 because it is B E A UTIFUL!!!!!