Sunday, October 26, 2008

the office, 76 lb bag of snickers, laughing so hard i slobber, my new fave outiit, eye twitches

1. I am a loser. I have fell in love with the office. Some may ask, why does this make you a loser. Well, as I have previously mentioned I hate to be left out. Okay, well then. I am a loser because I only started watching the office because I felt left out because all of my friends thought it was funny and I didnt. So, i have started at season one. And, I must be honest now and say that I have officially watched three seasons as well as the commentaries. Embarrassing, I know. They are now my FUNNY friends. I find myself praying for a hilarious husband after every episode. Biblical, I know...that's what the Lord wants you to desire in a good husband...comedy. Right? Right! okay...

2. My roommate is gone for the day. There is a MASSIVE bag of snickers by her bed. I want to eat every single snickers, but I am practicing self-control. It is 1:00 pm, she will be back sometime tonight...pray for me.

3. Before I wrote in my blog, I read someone else's blog. I laughed really hard for a really long time. I thought there would be zero consequences for that action. That is until I start to type and feel my wrist become moist. eww. I am gross.

4. I bought pj pants at old gravy(aka old navy) for $4. They are pink with a bow, I also bought a green tank top for $4.Thus my new favorite outfit exists. I love pajamas. the end.

5. So, last year I went on a date with a guy. During this date my eye twitched the ENTIRE night. Because of this mistake I made in my life by dating said human being, God has decided that sporadically for the rest of my life my eye will twitch. Sigh, I think it is some sort of deteriorating disease, you should also know that I am homophobic. No, I meant sorry, i really did say homophobic in my head on accident. my apologies.

1 comment:

Sabrina Pate said...

only you- in todays ever sensitive culture- would leave the homophobic slip!

this is the kind of post my heart delights in... knowing there are stranger people than me out there! hehe!