Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer lessons.

A list of ranting & confusion brought on from this summer:

1. Let's get something straight here. I am not fake. I'm not, I refuse to believe it. If it's important for someone to know me then they should just stick around and get to know me and stop making me feel bad and calling me fake. grrr... ha

2. I love summer, and if I were to guess from May how this one would've played out thus far...I would have never in a million years seen what has happened.

3. It's a little odd to be staring ahead at a year where your living and working on a college campus but not allowed to date a college student. The future looks a little bleak in the heart area...

4. I am not sure at all of how my relationships with my friends are supposed to look once I become a staff member. I assume that I'll mess up a lot, here we are.

5. I am going to live in the BCM. Natzart will no longer be my roommate. For the first time since 2005, I will not live with nat. ooohh...sadness.

6. God is smarter than me, bigger than me, stronger than me. I am doomed to mess up time and time again. But He will reign forever in perfect sovreignty...this is something I have held onto tightly this summer.

7. I will be a staff member at the B. I wish everyone knew me as a freshman so they could all mock me in harmony. ooohh...the irony of life.

8. For some reason...lately I have began to cling so tightly to certain people in my heart...like when a baby is afraid that their mom or dad will leave them. What is the deal with that... its dumb to need them. down right dumb.


N said...

So I got a new blog... maybe I'll write in it now. Keep on writing on yours... it makes me happy!
PS- Please don't talk about us not being roomies any more. :)

Sabrina Pate said...

ummm i knew you when you were a freshmen and i am totally amused by the irony of it all... but then again you are living my life- so what did you expect to be doing?? hehe

why dont you pick my next job- then you wil have alittle say in what you do hehe!

and by the way- what is the obsession with dating college boys now? you didnt even want to date them when you were a college student! there are otehr men out there- i promise. there is always dustin pate....